"AHHHHH yeah, the best 3 hours of your life haha"

"hahaha i only have 18 items with a 9 or 10 rating, i would to see yours hahah probably be like 50"

"idk about batman forver ahead of inception, shutter island, public enemies, and batman hahahaha"

"glad im not the only one who thought brokeback mountain was great, so much raw emotion"

"im thinking about writing one, i have a couple scripts im working on, i have a list of the actors i would like to see in those movies also"

"great actress, so young has a huge career ahead of her"

"this would be good if you put emma stone on here, especially with her attitude she fits right in"

"shes annoying, especially in that thing you do, and she was pretty bad in the strangers"

"never saw an "erotic" movie, any of these on a site to watch, so i dont have to buy or rent"

"Wow you have 16 of my favorite actors/actresses, you have a really good taste"

"He needs to win an oscar, best actor of my generation"

"finally someone who thinks megan fox is overatted"