"i wish Manic made a lot of money but it didnt"

"@Quisma88, I hated Pattinson for a while too, until I saw Little Ashes, and Remember Me, and after that I thought twice about the guy, hes actually good, except he really sucks in twilight I recommend"

"worthington was very good in terminator salvation i was impressed, i redid the shining, white zombie, and breakfast club as seperate lists"

"he has good taste, and how do u know these r his favorite movies"

"u still havent told me what movies u saw of her, like i said i only know her roles from the 70s, when she was in her prime"

"Im glad im not the only one who didnt like wolfman, except for benicio del torro cuz hes awesome"

"i would have schindler's list higher, but a great list, with some awesome movies"

"wanna tell me why oldman, bale, and dicaprio dont have an oscar win yet"

"twister and his very funny role in along came polly"

"well theres no young actor thats good and can play that role hahah"

"they dont break up their marrage heath ledger"s character is married the whole time in the movie, jake doesnt even have a marriage, until he gets married halfway through the movie, so u cant say anyth"

"not bad, check out my list, top 50 actors of all time"