"Schnedlier's List, Godfather, Pianist, Fight Club allll awesome"

"i just need to hear more about them more, cuz these are better than some of these so called actors we have now a days"

"go check out my "proof is defiantly a male" list to see what i like, and to those of you who know people can have different opinions thank you"

"dont know why people have to be offensive, its just a list, GO MAKE YOUR OWN"

"i deleted her, cuz i realize i want EVERYONE to be able to look at this"

"hahaha the series was terrible in every way, does not live up to the movie at all, kubrick was sooooo much better and theres better scenes then the twin scene, the movie was excellent, the series i fe"

"yeah the will smith one was hard to re-cast, rob brown had that kind of "cool guy" character in stop-loss that why i chose, ryan phillippe could pull it off"

"So Jensen Ackles is ahead of Sean Penn, were doomed"

"there is a remake of the shining, which ive seen before this, and its terrible"

"i voted right when i saw the tittle, and tommy cracks me up"

"zeppelin man, hey man wheres zeppelin man, dude zeppelin is metal dude, dude metal! hahahahaha"

"wow! we share some of the same tastes, especially #1"

"I was born in Jersey lived there till i was 16, i now live in Vermont, my representative is James Franco"

"theres a lot meaner people, and remember people are entitled to what they want to think, we all have different tastes"

"if someone doesnt have the same number 1 and 2, something is wrong hahah"

"it cant be stupid, since its based on an opinion, no one's opinion is stupid, just different"