"1. The Walking Dead 2. Twin Peaks 3. The Flash 4. Arrow 5. The Sopranos 6. Seinfeld 7. The Office 8. Boardwalk Empire 9. Breaking Bad 10. Supernatural"

"I can see you like some of these directors by your raiting. Is any of your favorites on here"

"1. Lukcy Luciano-Boardwalk Empire (Vincent Piazza) 2. JImmy Darmody-Boardwalk Empire (Michael Pitt) 3. Rick Grimes-The Walking Dead (Andrew Lincoln) 4. Red-The Blacklist (James Spader) 5. Jim Halpert"

"This is great, but I think Hayden wasnt bad as a teen, if you think about it he plays teenage angsts pretty good, especially in the third film. I dont think hes a great actor but as a teenager he was "

"1. Boardwalk Empire 2. The Walking Dead 3. The Sopranos 4. Breaking Bad 5. Seinfeld 6. Lost 7. Kenan and Kel 8. The Office 9. Big Bang Theory 10. The Following"

"Nice! I like how you put their character traits instead of just Juror numbers"

"Nice! I like how you put their character traits instead of just Juror numbera"

"DiCaprio is one of the best actors going, and Gosling has defiantly proved to be a good actor. Plus u can make your own list if you dont agree"

"1. Inception 2. Dark Knight rises 3. Prestige"

"@Potter Girl....no not a twilight fan...kriten stewart barely talks so shes perfect...but pattinson i took off"