"Ian Mckellen is magneto too, so yeah your gypsy time is up"

"@Mejo, Limitless is slow, but when it starts to develop its a well done movie."

"Will Ferrell is funny! And I totally totally agree with Sarah Palin"

"patrick wilson and rose byrne had absolutley no emotion through the whole film!"

"You could add to Boardwalk Empire and Social Netowkr"

"My MAIN CHARACTER would be Tyler Durden from the movie Fight Club, played by Brad Pittt, Tony Montana, and Vito Corleone are others I would say Heath Ledger's joker for a supporting character An"

"nice job, if you're interested check out mine http://www.listal.com/list/50-best-actors-all-time"

"I love the Halloween movies, minus Halloween 3, Resurrection, The Curse, and Rob Zombie's sequal. I guess I enjoy Michael Myers creepyness"

"Hey, how bout a discription, I get Inception and some of these, but a discription would be cool, great list tho"

"Channing for a younger audience, you know all the "teeny boppers" and yes Michael K Williams is a great talent"

"1. Godfather 2 2. Godfather 3. Halloween 4. Apocalypse Now 5. One flew over the cuukos nest 6. The Holy Grail 7. Life of Brian 8. Annie Hall 9. Jaws 10. Star Wars"

"1. The Dark Knight 2. American Psycho 3. Juno 4. Inglorious Basterds 5. Doubt 6. 500 Days of summer 7. Assassination of Jesse James 8. Frost/Nixon 9. Public Enemies 10. Mystic River"

"AHHH i want to see dead poets sooo bad, i would add field of dreams when him and his dad play catch i ball everytime he says "hey dad wanna have a catch" ahhh"

"haha thanks i wish i could be, i would love to do that, check out my other re-casts"