"1. Christopher Nolan 2. David Fincher 3. Martin Scorcese 4. Danny Boyle 5. Quentin Tarantino 6. David Lynch 7. Coen Brothers 8. Steven Speilberg 9. Ron Howard 10. Wes Craven "

"1. Christian Bale 2. Ellen Page 3. Leonardo Dicaprio 4. James Franco 5. Edward Norton 6. Joseph Gordon Levitt 7. Johnny Depp 8. Heath Ledger 9. Al Pacino 10. Natalie Portman"

"Yupp I can understand now why they crush on her cuz i do now"

""Jersey Shore" is embarrasing to me, cuz i am from Jersey, and i am not like them at all"

"How bout Michael Sheen for playing Tony Blair, 3 times"

"haha, well inception is my favorite, duh winning, but looking for the quote on quote "oscar" film black swan has it. yes inception is pure awesomeness. but its not the so called oscar film, now i am g"

"jack nicholson! james caan too haha i need to make one, man i can go on haha"

"just noticed u talked about how they look LOL i thought it was a bad actors list not a crushes i dont get list, BOOM! got ya lol"

"The reason for Memento is because, there were 3 Oscar snubs, for directing, best picture, and best actor. Plus no one ever says its one of the best films of all time, and to me it is, and a lot of peo"

"Nude seasons are everywhere u cant get away from them and never will, it doesnt bothers me, but explosions do, u dont need an explosion to have an awesome movie"