Foo Fighters are getting old and are still making great music. They are all really tight on this record and the song writing is top notch. Taylor Hawkins did a great job on the drums, I'm a drummer so I would know. Dave Grohl screaming never gets old. A very great album indeed.
Listen to: Bridges are burning, Rope, Walk, One of these days

Slacking delivery

An all star cast, that was bored by a very slow moving story. It drags a lot and just didn't end up giving me that kick that good movies give me. The story had a lot of potentional but was just shown in a really slow moving way. I do like dramas they are usually what I always watch but this was just too slow for me. The acting was average even though we have some incredible actors in this movie. I am not saying they sucked I am just saying it wasn't their greatest performance to date. Its not a bad movie, just a movie with a good story that didn't develop well at all.

Kind of a drag

Dear John, this ending is really dragging, I don't know how this is happening. This movie was decent up until the end, where it just dragged and dragged.
ACTING 6/10: The only reason I will give this an above average rating was because Amanda Seyfried did very good. She didn't over act or try to hard at it. Richard Jenkins played a very shy and disrupt father and I must say he did a nice job at it. But I didnt give this a higher raiting because look who is in the movie Channing Tatum. He doesn't show any emotion at all, and when he tries to cry I felt like I was watching Ben Affleck trying to cry. At least Seyfried cried nicely
SCREENPLAY 5/10: There was some really good lines, but also had it corny teen little lines that I wasn't to impress with at all. At a couple points I felt like I was just watching two people write letters and actually nothing happens at all.
STORY 5/10: The story wasn't too bad there was some good twists but nothing hugely shocking, but still good
This wasn't the best movie or the worst movie I have seen. There are better movies and worst movie. I will say it was better than The Tourist which I recently saw. This isn't like Revolutionary Road or An Education, but it still wasn't terrible either.
ACTING 6/10: The only reason I will give this an above average rating was because Amanda Seyfried did very good. She didn't over act or try to hard at it. Richard Jenkins played a very shy and disrupt father and I must say he did a nice job at it. But I didnt give this a higher raiting because look who is in the movie Channing Tatum. He doesn't show any emotion at all, and when he tries to cry I felt like I was watching Ben Affleck trying to cry. At least Seyfried cried nicely
SCREENPLAY 5/10: There was some really good lines, but also had it corny teen little lines that I wasn't to impress with at all. At a couple points I felt like I was just watching two people write letters and actually nothing happens at all.
STORY 5/10: The story wasn't too bad there was some good twists but nothing hugely shocking, but still good
This wasn't the best movie or the worst movie I have seen. There are better movies and worst movie. I will say it was better than The Tourist which I recently saw. This isn't like Revolutionary Road or An Education, but it still wasn't terrible either.


Winter's Bone is a movie with hicks. It is hardcore stereotype towards hicks, but its just a movie. Jennifer Lawrence signs in this movie, and defiantly deserved her Oscar nomination. John Hawkes was really good and was very impressive. The story really came together very well and the screenplay was really well written. Its a movie you should see, it scares, and gets your heart pumping.

Suprisingly Good

When this first came out, I thought that it would totally suck, until I saw it. It isn't that bad. Takers is a pleasant surprise that really starts off with a bang and ends with a bang. It is defiantly not the best movie but yet not the worst. It was worth watching. I wasn't impressed by the screenplay at all, the writing and lines were just heard before and nothing original. The story was really good and had a good twist. The acting wasn't special just your average acting in an action film. One of the biggest surprises I ever saw, worth checking out

One giant unique film

Maybe this should have been James Franco's other Oscar nomination. This movie has very edgy writing. I expected the writing to be very good, because it is about a poem. The performances were, well top notch obviously just look at the cast. It actually surprised me how great it actually was. Yes I was expecting it to be great, but it threw me off a little. You have 4 things going on during the movie. You have a mockumentery going on with James Franco posing as Allen Ginsberg in a documentary. You have the court room drama which was really well done. You have James Franco belting out the words to the incredible Howl to a bunch of poets. Then you have the almost mesmerizing animations that explain the poem. Its really a hell of a gem for a movie. It will keep you staring at the screen as James Franco shines once again!

Some much potential, poorly delievered

So much hype around this movie. With Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie together in a film. It came out with tons of bad reviews, well lets just add to it, because this movie bombed out. There is a lot of potential in this movie and the story. The delivery of the story went no where. They tried to throw twists at you that didn't make any sense at all. The writing of this movie is just plan dull. No quotable lines, and nothing really quick and edgy. Paul Bettany almost saved the movie with another good performance. Depp and Jolie on the other hand were just dull. All Depp did was pretty much ask questions and yell "Elise" a few times. Jolie just stood there and tried to look pretty. I predicted some parts of the movie, and when you can predict a movie its not worth your time. I dont understand the Golden Globe nominations at all, its just to dull for a nomination. Its not the worst movie, but its one of those movies that could have been so much better than expected I could have easily fell asleep if I wanted to.

I like it

I finally got to see this movie yesterday, and I must say I liked it. I kind of knew I would like it since it was about music, I love movies that show you about some popular artist. I thought the story really came together nice. I wish it was a little bit longer, because there was so much more they could have explored in the movie. I thought the acting was really good. Kristen Stewart did a good job, she showed a lot of emotion in this. You can really see her talent in this. Dakota Fanning didn't scream at me! She also did a nice job, she has a great career ahead of her, but Michael Shannon once again steals the show. This movie proves once again that he is the most underrated actor of all time. He is just an awesome actor and is just pure amazing in this. So this was a good movie, they could have explored more with it, everyone did a good job at acting especially Michael Shannon. If you dont really like Kristen Stewart or Dakotan Fanning I would recommend you check this out, because now I like them a little bit more now.

Red is a gem

Long, but pretty great. This was a great romance movie. With some great acting, and a great story that really unfolds. Warren Beaty was just great in this movie. I have never saw any of his films, and he really impressed me. Diane Keaton once again does a nice job in this movie. Of course Jack Nicholson proves again why he is the best actor of all time. The movie has a really good tense feel to it. Which kept me wanting more through out. It might have been long, but I sure as hell liked it a lot.

Not Again!

Another horror film, that is just like these other modern scares. This movie is just bad. There was a lot of overacting parts. The story is never really explained well. The scares suck, and the fights are so dumb. I suggest you skip this one.